Conscious Leadership Conversations

Monthly Zoom Session

CLCs are our Conscious Leadership Conversations. Every month a Provocateur presents an idea focused on Conscious Leadership and participants have the opportunity to discuss, react, and share. The purpose is to provide a space for collective reflection and conversation. CLCs are offered for free and held monthly via Zoom.

Upcoming CLC on Wednesday, September 18 at 12:00-1:00 PM ET

Using avatars in a virtual world – an exciting way to generate new insights into yourself!


Join us for our second CLC of the month featuring an experiential session with David Tinker, who will guide participants through an immersive experience of making thoughts and feelings visible in a virtual world.


Participants will experience:

  • Immersion in a virtual landscape
  • Being guided online in a group setting
  • The process of emotional labeling and perspective taking in avatar based VR.


The session is for those who are looking for innovative digital solutions for intrapersonal learning and to improve wellbeing.


David Tinker holds a diploma in coaching supervision from the London School of Psychodrama and has supervised on the Oxford Brookes MA in coaching and mentoring. He is the creative brain behind Rethinkly (formally ProReal) that has grown a significant body of evidence in its ability to increase self-awareness and generate new insights. Rethinkly helps people think and feel better, about themselves and their world. (

Are you a provocateur who’d like to present in a future CLC or know someone who’d be a great fit for our community? Let us know! Contact us to suggest a future CLC topic and speaker.

Follow us on all social media platforms to stay updated on our monthly CLCs!


Past Conscious Leadership Conversations

Watch sessions from our previous CLC on YouTube