Our Leadership Labs develop leaders and solutions by integrating learning by doing, designing thinking principles, and leadership development. The intent is to convene a group of committed stakeholders to better understand a leadership challenge, incubate solutions, and share insights. Through this process individuals expand their networks, deepen their understanding of a leadership challenge, and produce insights and solutions… creating ripples of learning into workplaces and communities.
Lab participants explore a topic more deeply, seek to expand their insights and develop new ideas and possible solutions. The outcomes of Leadership Labs might be a new tool, training program, an online course, a whitepaper, or even a book. Through these groups, participants develop strong professional connections that promote growth and mutual support.
Most often the Leadership Labs grow out of our Community Summit events but they can also be launched by a group of individuals, sponsoring organization, grant, or other interested stakeholder. All it takes is an interested group, someone to take the lead, and form a team. The Leadership Forum provides support to these groups and with a safe space to share their progress with the community, to try out ideas, get feedback, or share their end results.
Most labs are open to additional members. Contact us at inbox@leadershipforumcommunity.org if you have an interest in a lab group or if you have an interest in starting a new Leadership Lab.